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'What's New' items added in the years 2000 , 2001 , 2002 and 2003

22 December 2000 Text of the Genocide Convention in Bahasa Indonesian and Serbian (Latin script) added: Konvensi Pencegahan dan Penghukuman Kejahatan Genosida Draft text of Articles 2 and 3 in Bahasa Indonesian. Konvencija o sprecavanju i kaznjavanju zlocina genocida full text added. The Genocide Convention in 20 languages page revised

22 December 2000 Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses to genocide and crimes against humanity added.

22 December 2000 Rpahel Lemkin's "Genocide as a Crime under International Law" American Journal of International Law, Vol. 41, No. 1 (1947), p.145-15. Introduction to "Key Writings of Raphael Lemkin on Genocide"  revised.

30 November 2000 Danish language homage added:  Forbygge Folkedrab Internationalt, page of links to Links to Danish language websites on Genocide and related issues , link to the Danish parliament's translation of the Rome Statute (Rom-statutten for Den Internationale Straffedomstol )added and the webpage The Rome Statute in 11 languages revised.

29 November 2000 Ghana: Criminal Code (Amendment) Act, 1993 Section 1: Genocide added

27 November 2000 Italian language homepage added:  Ipedire genocidio internazionale and an Italian language bibliography on genocide: (Bibliografia sul genocidio: Una bibliografia multilingue di libri ed articoli sul genocidio e sui suoi relativi argomenti), link to an Italian language tranlation of the Rome Statute (Lo Statuto di Roma )added and the webpage The Rome Statute in 10 languages revised.

13 November 2000 "Genocide warning" for Sudan  issued by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Committee on Conscience

1 November 2000 The German Bundestag approves ratification of the Rome Statute to establish the International Criminal Court on 27 Oct. 2000

27 October 2000 A total of 132 nations are now party to the Genocide Convention: Switzerland and the Guinea accede to the Genocide Convention at the September 2000 UN Millennium Summit; Revisions to the lists of nation NOT party to the Convention, See Alphabetical List, List by World Region, List by order of U.N. Membership

25 October 2000, Declarations and Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including link to May 28, 1951 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice

24 October 2000, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 60 languages Farsi, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan added; Revisions of Bahasa Indonesian, Bengali, Khmer and Urdu.

27 September 2000    Initial draft versions of Japanese and Russian pages added. Please help us complete these translations and add new material in these languages.

27 September 2000 Multiple additions to the Punishing Genocide and Preventing Genocide section pages

15 September 2000 The Raphael Lemkin Centenary Conference London, Wednesday, October 18, 2000 Sponsored by the Leo Kuper Foundation

22 August 2000 "A crime without a name": Fifty-nine years ago, on August 24, 1941, Winston Churchill described Nazi extermination of Jews as "a crime without a name". Two year later Raphael Lemkin coined a new word for the crime

22 August 2000 link to Rwanda: The Preventable Genocide Read the July 7, 2000 report

22 August 2000, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 55 languages Romani added

2 August 2000 Elements of the Crime of Genocide, agreed upon by the ICC Preparatory Commission at its fifth session, New York, 12-30 June 2000

20 July 2000 Genocide in the domestic laws of Belgium, Canada, Fiji, Romania, and Tajikistan added. A total of 30 countries on the Genocide in domestic criminal law page

7 July 2000 Genocide in the domestic laws of Albania, Australia, and Yugoslavia. A total of 25 countries on the Genocide in domestic criminal law page

28 June 2000 Links added to Rome Statute in 9 languages connecting to translations of the Rome Statute in Japanese (52 of the 128 articles only) and Portuguese.

27 June 2000, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 55 languages kiSwahili and Breton added, additions and corrections to the Japanese and Korean entries

22 June 2000 Translation of the Genocide Convention in Korean added.

15 June 2000 Nuremberg Prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz comments on "Misguided Fear" of the International Criminal Court in the United States

6 June 2000 Index to the text of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Created by the Leo Kuper Foundation

26 May 2000 Genocide in the domestic laws of Brazil, Bolivia , Denmark, Finland, Italy, Ireland, Paraquay, and Peru. A total of 20 countries on the Genocide in domestic criminal law page, reorganized by language

24 May 2000, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 50 languages kiRundi (spoken in Burundi) added

11 Apr 2000 Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court and Rome Statute in 7 languages

29 Mar 2000 Translations of the Genocide Convention in Dutch and Swedish added.

22 Mar 2000, Russian text of the Genocide Convention now available is full text in regular Cyrillic font (Windows), instead of articles 2 and 3 only as image files.

22 Mar 2000, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 50 languages Bengali and Malay added

12 Mar 2000 Axis Rule in Occupied Europe Chapter IX, where in 1944 the word "genocide" first appeared in print.

26 Feb 2000 Announcement: Holocaust and Genocide Scholar, Dr. Israel Charny to lecture in Eastern United States and Canada, February 26 to March 9 2000 (Also 26 Feb 2000 C.V. of Prof Israel Charny, Ph.D.)

24  Feb 2000 Key Writings of Raphael Lemkin on Genocide - a guide to a multilingual series of texts written by the activist scholar who coined the word "genocide"

19 Feb 2000 Preventing Genocide: The Role of the International Community, a report by Dr. Christian Scherrer to the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, January 2000

10 Jan 2000 "General (Transnational) Danger" Raphael Lemkin's 1933 proposal to make extermination of groups an international crime

3 Jan 2000 Uzbekistan becomes the 130th party to the Genocide Convention updated

  'What's New' items added in the years 2000 , 2001 , 2002 and 2003

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27 novembre 2000 La répression du crime de génocide liens avec d'autres sites et Article 137 du code pénal de la Côte d'Ivoire et La Cour pénale internationale et le Canada Webpage du Ministčre des Affaires étrangčres et du Commerce

15 juillet 2000, Rwanda : Le Génocide qu’on aurait pu stopper Organisation de l'Unité Africaine, 7 Juillet 2000

3 mai 2000 Convention de l'ONU contre le "génocide" , Raphaël Lemkin, 1949

3 mai 2000 Le règne de l'Axe en Europe occupée, traduction le premier paragraphe de Chapitre IX: " Génocide " Raphaël Lemkin, 1944

24 avril 2000 Statut de rome de la cour pénal internationale et La Statut de Rome en 10 langues

17 janvier 2000 "Danger general (interétatique)" Raphaël Lemkin, 1933

10 Janvier 2000 "Le crime de génocide" Raphaël Lemkin, 1946

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24 mayo 2000 Las Reglas del Eje sobre la Europa Ocupada, Primer párrafo de Capítulo IX: " Genocide " de Raphael Lemkin " Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Mayo 2000

20 Abril 2000 Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal internacional and Estatuto de Roma en 10 lenguajes

10 Abril 2000 Articulo 138 del Codigo Penal de Bolivia e Articulo 319 del Código Penal de Paraguay

17 Enero 2000 Rafael Lemkin, 1946: Genocidio Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Agosto 1999

Was gibt's neues?
Neue Hinzufügung

1 November 2000 Der Bundestag hat am Freitag für Deutschland grünes Licht zur Errichtung eines Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegeben. Das Parlament stimmte einem entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zum römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs
sowie einer Änderung des Grundgesetzartikels 16 zu. Koalition für einen Internationalen Strafgerichtshof - Deutsches Komitee (CICC.DE)

13 April 2000 Römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und Römisches Statut in 7 sprachen

31 Januar 2000 Raphael Lemkin: Akte der Barbarei und des Vandalismus als delicta juris gentium, Anwaltsblatt Internationales, (Nov. 1933)

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