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'What's New' items added in the years 2000 , 2001 , 2002 and 2003

4 December 2001News Monitor for December 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

14 November 2001 Group Classification on National Identification Cards as a Factor in Genocide, and Ethnic Cleansing -- with a global survey. Presented on November 15, 2001 to the Seminar Series of the Yale University Genocide Studies Program, by Jim Fussell

14 November 2001: Harare Conference:  Report of the Southern African Peacemaking and Genocide Prevention Conference held in Harare, Zimbabwe, October 16 to 18, 2001.

6 November 2001 The Rome Statute (ICC) in 28 languages The Rome Statue for the International Criminal Court in 23 languages: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Georgian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish now available from the Council of Europe (

6 November 2001 G E N E R AT I O N S  O F  G E N O C I D E January 26-27, 2002, London ( )
On Britain's second National Holocaust Memorial Day, this ground-breaking conference focuses on the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and genocide in the Balkans and Rwanda.

News Monitor for November 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

26 October 2001 Conference Announcement: "LIFE AFTER DEATH    Rebuilding Genocide Survivors' Lives: Challenges and Opportunities, An International Conference of Survivors, Kigali, Rwanda (November 25-30, 2001)

12 October 2001 On October 3, 2001 Paraguay became the 133rd party to the Genocide Convention.

12 October 2001 Soykirimi Suçunun Önlenmesi ve Cezalandirilmasi Sözlesmesi (Jenosid Sözlesmesi) - text of Article 2 of the Genocide Convention in Turkish.

7 October 2001 The fall-out of military strikes against Afghanistan: Regional and Global Risks
(3 October 2001) (Acrobat Reader format)

5 October 2001 News Monitor for October 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

30 September 2001 Use Law to Beat Bin Laden - Commentary by Gregory H. Stanton

17 September 2001 September 11: A Crime or an Act of War? Read two contrasting viewpoints on the Sept. 11, 2001 hijackings and attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

10 Septmeber 2001 News Monitor for the month of September 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

3 September 2001 News Monitor for the month of August 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

1 August 2001 News Monitor for the month of July 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence.

2 July 2001 News Monitor for the month of June 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence. Previous Months: May 2001 and April 2001

1 July 2001 Konvensi atas cegahan dan hukuman kejahatan genosida - text of Articles 1 to 3 of the Genocide Convention in Bahasa Indonesian.

30 June 2001Testimonies of Eyewitnesses: "I fainted from the blow of a club. I woke up in the evening amidst the bodies of my family." Links to the testimonies of individual genocide survivors. New link to testmony of Clemence K. from the forthcoming book Les Blessures du Silence, text by Yolande Mukagasana, photos by Alain Kazinierakis.

29 June 2001 Extraditions and transfers of persons accused genocide and other international crimes: including former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic arrested on 1 April 2001 and transferred to ICTY for Trial on 29 June 2001 

28 June 2001 Law On June 28, 2001 Sweden ratified the Rome Statute, becoming the 36th Party to the treaty. In recent months the treaty has also been ratified by Denmark, Antigua & Barbuda, Costa Rica, Croatia, Paraguay and Andorra. On June 7, 2001 voters in Ireland, by a margin of 64.1% to 35.9%, approved an constitutionl amendment to enable their nation to participate in the ICC.   

22 June 2001, Update to The word "genocide" translated or defined in 60 languages Armenian, Hebrew, Kinyarwandan and Swahili entries updated providing greater detail.

10 June 2001 Group Classification on National ID Cards as a Facilitating Factor in Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and Widespread Violations of Human Rights -- Prevent Genocide International has conducted a preliminary global survey.

8 June 2001 Domestic Prosecution of Genocide: including the verdict of the Belgium trial of four Rwandans from Butare  

1 June 2001 News Monitor for May 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence

1 June 2001 "Genocide Risk Alert": Afghanistan The International Campaign to End Genocide issued a "Genocide Risk Alert" on June 1, 2001 condemning the decision by Afghanistan’s Taliban to force Hindus to wear yellow cloth markers to set them apart from Muslims.

30 May 2001 Genocide and Gendercide: Jim Fussell, Education Director of Prevent Genocide International, and Adam Jones, Executive Director of Gendercide Watch, appeared online at IRCPOLITICS.ORG to discuss Genocide and Gendercide on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 (Read the transcript)

2 May 2001 News Monitor for April 2001 Tracking current news on genocide and items related to past and present ethnic, national, racial and religious violence

30 April 2001 On April 30, 2001 Andorra ratified the Rome Statute becoming the 30th State Party to the treaty. The Rome Statute will enter into force with 60 ratifications and accessions.

23 April 2001 New and Forthcoming Books on Genocide and related topics

15 April 2001   Whitaker Report 1985 Revised and updated report on the question of the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. Prepared by Mr. B. Whitaker, 2 July 1985. Sections posted, more still to be added.

23 April 2001 Link from Africa page to Ethno-Net Africa's DATABASE on ethnic conflict : Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia Ethno-Net Africa is a UNESCO-MOST network of African social scientists engaged in comparative research, monitoring and evaluation of ethnic conflicts and social change in Africa.

17 April 2001 Trial in Progress in Belgium of four Rwandans from ButareGertrude Mukangango, Maria Kisito, Vincent Ntezimana, and Alphonse Higaniro - April 17, 2001

30 March 2001 Domestic Prosecution of Genocide - Cases from 29 countries including in Africa: Ethiopia, Rwanda; in the Americas: Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Haiti; in Asia and the Pacific: Cambodia, Indonesia, Israel, Japan; and in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Links to specific cases on this page created from the Africa,   AmericasAsia-Pacific, and   Europe webpages.

12 March 2001 Group Classification on National ID Cards as a Facilitating Factor in Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and Widespread Violations of Human Rights

5 March 2001 The final text of the Genocide Convention was adopted on December 9, 1948 by the 3rd U.N. General Assembly in Paris. Two earlier drafts (the Secretariat Draft and the Ad Hoc Committee Draft) were written in May 1947 and April 1948. These drafts incorporated many important and controversial features which were not included in the final text. Among these features were: inclusion of political and linguistic groups in the list of protected groups, definitions of cultural genocide, provisions for suppression of preparations for genocide and provisions for an international criminal tribunal.

1 March 2001 Prevent Genocide International's multilingual website is now available in 12 languages; If you can help us by translating or proofreading material in these or any of the languages on this website, please send us an email:

28 February 2001"Genocide Alert": Genocidal Massacres in Indonesian Borneo: The International Campaign to End Genocide (ICEG) has issued a "Genocide Alert"for the Kalimantan region of Indonesia. Prevent Genocide International is a member of ICEG founded at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference  in 1999.

25 February 2001 Automated translation of English language pages on our website in to Arabic , Chinese, Japanese and Korean is now available using (Arabic) and (Chinese, Japanese and Korean). Clink on flag icons to the right:

12 February 2001 Dominica acceded to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on February 12, becoming the 29th Party to the treaty. Argentina ratified the Rome Statute on February 8. Dominica "acceded" instead of "ratified" the Statute because it was not on e of the 139 countries to sign the Statute by December 31, 2000.

9 February 2001 Four world regions of the website are created for Africa,   AmericasAsia-Pacific Europe  highlighting information from each of these geographic regions - icon links are added to the left hand navigation bar.

8 January 2001 Austria, 28 December 2000, and Finland, 29 December 2000 ratified the Rome Statute.

  'What's New' items added in the years 2000 , 2001 , 2002 and 2003

Quoi de neuf ?
Ajouts récents


27 novembre 2000 La répression du crime de génocide liens avec d'autres sites et Article 137 du code pénal de la Côte d'Ivoire et La Cour pénale internationale et le Canada Webpage du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce

15 juillet 2000, Rwanda : Le Génocide qu’on aurait pu stopper Organisation de l'Unité Africaine, 7 Juillet 2000

3 mai 2000 Convention de l'ONU contre le "génocide" , Raphaël Lemkin, 1949

3 mai 2000 Le règne de l'Axe en Europe occupée, traduction le premier paragraphe de Chapitre IX: " Génocide " Raphaël Lemkin, 1944

24 avril 2000 Statut de rome de la cour pénal internationale et La Statut de Rome en 10 langues

17 janvier 2000 "Danger general (interétatique)" Raphaël Lemkin, 1933

10 Janvier 2000 "Le crime de génocide" Raphaël Lemkin, 1946

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24 mayo 2000 Las Reglas del Eje sobre la Europa Ocupada, Primer párrafo de Capítulo IX: " Genocide " de Raphael Lemkin " Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Mayo 2000

20 Abril 2000 Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal internacional and Estatuto de Roma en 10 lenguajes

10 Abril 2000 Articulo 138 del Codigo Penal de Bolivia e Articulo 319 del Código Penal de Paraguay

17 Enero 2000 Rafael Lemkin, 1946: Genocidio Traducción de Carlos Mario Molina Arrubla, Agosto 1999

Was gibt's neues?
Neue Hinzufügung

1 November 2000 Der Bundestag hat am Freitag für Deutschland grünes Licht zur Errichtung eines Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegeben. Das Parlament stimmte einem entsprechenden Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung zum römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs
sowie einer Änderung des Grundgesetzartikels 16 zu. Koalition für einen Internationalen Strafgerichtshof - Deutsches Komitee (CICC.DE)

13 April 2000 Römisches Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und Römisches Statut in 7 sprachen

31 Januar 2000 Raphael Lemkin: Akte der Barbarei und des Vandalismus als delicta juris gentium, Anwaltsblatt Internationales, (Nov. 1933)

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